Food & Beverage Products

Find convenience stores and retailers on Google Maps and distributors on LinkedIn. Then sell directly to their owners and buyers.

Find distributors by location

Find thousands of places to distribute your product in seconds. Most distributors, retailers and restaurants are on Maps. Our proprietary algorithm will extract all locations in the specific category and area you specify. Then, we discover their public social links and emails, and match them with their owner’s LinkedIn profiles.

Generate personalized DMs

Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, we adapt your product’s value proposition to the distributor’s location details and the owner’s LinkedIn profile summary, so that every message is tailored to who receives it.

Reachout across email, LinkedIn and Instagram

Many distributors, retailers, restaurants and stores no longer monitor their email. Instagram, though, is where they primarily connect with their audience. We support email, LinkedIn and Instagram sequences, so you can reach them where they are.

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